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Mars Survived A Nuclear Winter

The Martian surface is covered with a thin layer of radioactive substances including uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium  But why is there radioactive substaces on mars is it a proof of Nuclear Winter happened on Mars ? Earlier  Dr. John Brandenburg, a senior propulsion scientist at  Orbital Technologies Corp   said that there was a natural nuclear blast on Mars. According to Brandenburg, the natural explosion, the equivalent of 1 million one-megaton hydrogen bombs, occurred in the northern Mare Acidalium region of Mars where there is a heavy concentration of radioactivity.  But I the writer of this blog thinks that it is not natural it may have  happened during a war between the Martians and the same once happened on Earth during the World War II                                                Mare Acidalium as seen from Google Earth                      There are many craters in the Mare Acidalium region on Mars which is a proof that may be it was a city which w
Evidence 3 Mars lacks an ozone layer Mars doesn't have an ozone layer this could support my theory as Nuclear Explosions also result in the depletion of ozone layer and as Mars doesn't have any ozone layer then the reason can be a Nuclear Explosion which may have destroyed ozone layer of Mars thousands of years ago.This is another evidence that supports my Theory.