Evidence of Nuclear Winter On Mars

Evidence 1

Mars is emerging from an ice age
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions have provided evidence of a recent ice age on Mars. In contrast to Earth's ice ages, a martian ice age waxes when the poles warm up and water vapor is transported toward lower latitudes. Martian ice ages wane when the poles cool and lock water into polar icecaps.  the most recent ice age occurred just 400,000 to 2.1 million years ago.Since the end of that ice age, about 87,000 cubic kilometers of ice accumulated at the poles, especially in the north pole

But why did an ice age happened on Mars ?
Maybe due to an Nuclear Winter.
Let's look into the definition of Nuclear Winter

In a Nuclear War after a series of Nuclear Explosions suddenly, the sky blazes with the radiance of a thousand suns. Millions of lives burn to ash and shadow. Finally, as nuclear firestorms incinerate cities and fo­rests, torrents of smoke ascend into the atmosphere to entomb the planet in billowing, black clouds of ash.

The result is noontime darkness, plummeting temperatures and the eventual death of life on planet.

Possibility of Nuclear Winter on Mars→If Mars was suitable for life then there maybe was a civilization and there would be some Martians and sooner and sooner they would have gotten more advanced and maybe they started fighting and  then they would have fought a Nuclear War and there would have been a Nuclear winter due to too many Nuclear explosions and this would may had lead to an Nuclear Winter and would have brought an ice age on Mars just some 400,000 to 2.1 million years ago.

Means there was a Nuclear Winter on Mars just 400,000 to 2.1 million years ago

More Evidences to Support My Theory

Evidence 2

Marts is more Radioactive than Earth and maybe this is due to a Nuclear Winter.

More Evidences in Next Time I Post



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